Carving Scrollwork on the Krenov Style Hand Plane


What started this was when I wanted to carve on my gun stock

It got me thinking of other things I could carve since I obviously wanted more practice and I would quickly run out of gunstocks if that was all I did.

I also found that scroll carving seemed harder than wildlife, so I decided to try on a krenov style hand plane i Had laying around.

I bought some Premium Printable Vinyl Sticker Paper for Inkjet & Laser Printer

Scanned and sized the scroll work in Carving Gunstocks: Power Techniques by Jose Valencia

And stuck it on the hand plane.
I have the Jose Valencia Bur Sampler listed below, but you really only need 3 burs.
699 carbide bur – this is used first to cut all borders
  • 7611 carbide bur – then cut the finer inside lines and detail the leaves
  • #6 round bur  – widen the outside border
  • #4 or #6 round carbide bur to remove any background area
  • #2 round carbide bur – get into the finer details of the background areas, then to stipple the background
  • Large football bur – used to bevel or round off the transitions
  • tooth brush – used to keep sawdust away

My carving setup

I hang my dremel from the ceiling, but there are several different kinds of holders like this one

The Carving

Once the pattern is on the wood, whether you used the clear sticker paper method, used carbon paper to trace it, or drew it directly to the wood, take the 699 carbide bur and cut all borders.
Next use the 7611 carbide bur to cut the finer inside lines and detail the leaves.
The #6 round bur  is next to widen the outside border. Go around the outside border trying to stay a bit outside your first line.
Next I found it helpful to take a pencil and mark where the background it. A #4 or #6 round carbide bur to remove any background area. Try to keep a consistence depth. In some woods seeing the outline can be tough. A simple wipe with mineral spirits or oil will darken them. I like BLO (Boiled Linseed oil) but remember with oil it may stay darkened.
Use the #2 round carbide bur – get into the finer details of the background areas. 
With the Large football bur bevel and round off the transitions of all of the scroll work, leaves and borders.
Use the #2 round carbide bur to stipple the background. Stippling is simply making round indents that overlap each other over the entire surface. Different size round burs leave a different texture. 
The tooth brush will be used whenever you need to remove the sawdust, which is quit often

Books for carving

Jose Valencia Bur Sampler

-- There is nothing like the sound of a well tuned hand plane. - and


Impressive.   Nice addition.  


Years ago I made first "handmade" tool which was a hack of the  Krenov Style hand Plane... using a Hock kit,

... didn't realise the dowels were supposed to be in the cut off area. 

I would never consider "facelifting" it even with a laser, however, I appreciate your take and the detail you went to to present a thorough "how to".

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Nice carving work! Good write up as well.

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".


Great post on the Dremel.  I have all the things you have listed but not the hanging clamp thing.  I will look into that.


If you are talking about the way the dremel hangs from the ceiling, it's just a piece of wire.

-- There is nothing like the sound of a well tuned hand plane. - and

Nice write up Don 👍

Looks like the long grain works a bit easier than the end grain!
That came out great Don. Looks like it has always been there.

Andy -- Old Chinese proverb say: If you think something can't be done, don't interrupt man who is doing it.

Thanks for the comments. 

-- There is nothing like the sound of a well tuned hand plane. - and

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