This has been a long journey with this bowl.
I had rough turned this bowl over a year ago. I decided to fill the void with a deep pour epoxy. That was a schooling in itself. Three pours later I finally had it sealed up enough that the epoxy didn’t run out over night.
Turning the excess epoxy out was another lesson on proper technique. I used hss tools only.
As I was getting the bowl turned to where I wanted it I had a catch that resulted in a large piece breaking off. I decided to glue it up and then while finishing I had another catch and another large piece break out.
Again I glued. This time i decided to just sand a little to salvage the bowl as my first attempt at epoxy. I figured a rough bowl was better than one for the burn pile.
I do like it. Next time I will dye the epoxy.
Hope you all like it.
I finished in a couple coats of shellac and then used Howard feed n wax for a nice polish.
This was from a young walnut tree.