2 x pallet timber boxes

OK got sick of my stash of pallet timber tripping me up and associated tool clutter so it was time to get to work
First up was a box for my bearing pullers, from small motor bearings, drills and small power tools to irrigation pumps to Auto roles.

then closely followed by a box for my Arbortec items Turbo planner and Ball  gouge.
selected the timber with the least twisting and cupping, the remainder was sent on a council holiday
Jointed Thicknessed everything then cut them all to length
screwed the together and presto all done and easy to locate when needed.
1. The Bearing Box

Used the ball gouge to make some non slip finger grips 

Simple butt joint and screwed construction.

I thought it looked all a bit bland so 3D carver routed the sides for a bit of bling and filled with copper finish paint.
sanded it back  sanded it back and it looked better.
Pine and 18 x 32mm screws no glue
sanding sealer and copper paint

2. The Arbortec items and grinder.

It was the same basic design but used some ripped pine for the sides.

Added some finger grips a bit lower down

sanded and sealed no bling added this time and its done.
pieces of pine and  38 x 32 mm screws no glue .
Finish:- sanding sealer, 
P.S. You may have noticed I painted my Hi Ho Silver saw horses!

Regards Rob


Good utility storage Rob 👍
I have a collection of pullers like yours, but mine were bought because I never could find the ones I bought before. Now I have 2-3x spares. 🙄

The routing looks great!
Thought you were turning into an educated banana bender,

then I realised it was out of focus and not a Robertson screw but a lowly Philips.

Have you slipped a laser engraver into (or pulled out of) your arsenal.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

nice work my friend !

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

3D Router Carver! ... still going strong

I am not sure why Carbitool sold out to CMT but its a good piece of kit

Regards Rob

OK... Ya wanna get all techo on me... I can also know how to post a pictha... but how do did you use it here.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

OK see how this goes,
If there is any further explanation required I can do a Project post showing it in action.
Beware although you can but spare parts, the kits looks like they may not be available any longer. 
And yes I have 50mm Robinson Deck screws.

Regards Rob

simple box, good results, should fit the need, well done.


Cute RC... but I didn't hear any QLD accent... it was all in English... you got a phone, plenty of palette wood, build a phone stand and post your mush on UTube... give you an excuse for not playing Nardia.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

A blast from the past Aug 2021

Regards Rob

Hey RC, your attempt is a tardisappointment,,

Mr. Jekyll
, Ya cannot Hyde.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

OMG...Love it! that's got to be a trunk call for sure.

Regards Rob

Just deposit your coins....

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Great use of pallet timbers Rob...

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