Arthur and Lizzies Soft Toy box MkII

For those who came late.

I was given access to pallet framing from In Glass at Morningside back in 2022
It was this timber I used to make the Toy Box.
The usual grading Jointing thicknessing and sizing took place.
Resulting in enough material to start work.

The material you see here is various lengths about 500 mm x 90 mm x19 mm
In preparation I rechecked the dimensions with No 4 son and in doing so he increased the size to over 650 mm.
This meant I needed to re mill more material and ended  up with pieces 700mm x 65 mm x19mm.
These I used for the Stiles

the basic concept

the stiles were 65 mm wide x 650 the Rails and mullions 90 mm wide by various lenghts
I used a rail and stile Router bit set in my Moulder shaper.

set to work and produced all the components.

did a dry fit up to ensure everything was going to work as expected

once that aspect was confirmed a few sketchup notes were produced

and page 2

There is a cut out in the back bottom of the box to allow it to fit over a step in the room it will be used
Back view


Front view

The bottom was MDF

There is no 2 mm relief as usually seen on Rail and stile construction to remove any sharp edges for small fingers.
The internals were all finished with the beading cut off the sides at 45 Deg using Spear Point joints where the apexes were 3 parts at 45 deg.

The lettering
The names were made using The Milescraft Sign Pro and dyed timbermate using Queen Natural colour dye.
Symmetrics and balancing
You may have noticed that the panels were not evenly balanced or symmetrical this was done purposely as I was using scrap pieces of Masonite  and added various Mullions and Rails to suit.

Regards Rob

so animal or human rob ?
looks like it all went well without issues ? interesting design. no lid i guess ?

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

I feel for Arthur.... poor bloke has to wade through Liz's stuff on top to get to his on the bottom.

 I used a rail and stile Router bit set in my Moulder shaper.  
Touchet Touchy,

that's something I haven't got.....

There is a cut out in the back bottom of the box to allow it to fit over a step in the room it will be used 
and if they turn it 180°??? I thought it was a kickboard for kids with big feet.

 The bottom was MDF 
Good to see, I'm not the only one.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Looks like a lot of love for Grandchildren.
Nice work, Rob. My kind of drawings, too!!

Cheers, Jim ........................ Variety is the spice of life...............Learn something new every day

Nicely done. 

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

Here it is with its smaller one, ... now made redundant

Regards Rob

Great job Rob. I wonder how big the next one will be once they outgrow this one. LOL.

Andy -- Old Chinese proverb say: If you think something can't be done, don't interrupt man who is doing it.