custom frame and drawing


This is my newest project. I started with the drawing then built and carved the frame and matted myself. All together probly around 40 hours into this project. The pic is 16"x 20" the frame is more than 3’ tall and around 4’wide. Meant to be not just a drawing or just a carving but a center piece artwork. The basic idea for the frame was modeled after a gravestone then expanded on. The saying “flesh of my flesh, heart of my heart” is a quote from the movie passion of the christ. The carving layout was all done freehand. This is the first frame ive built and first drawing of this scale ive done.

Carvings by Levi

Looks very nice. well done. Where are you hanging it?

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"

Great job, beautiful piece of art.
I like the message !!


Its for my aunt whos son just died so not sure where she will hang it. Thanks for the comments

Carvings by Levi

Totally unique frame.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker