Toy Bins


So my wife wanted to me to make the girls a toy bin rack so a few months ago i picked up a broken shoe rack that was on the curb for trash. I used the poles from it and i set the side rails aside. Sunday i picked up some misc wood a neighbor was going to trash, so i started building. My wife wanted something simple, i decided to get fancy with it. I ripped thru some 1×6, and 1×8 to make all my components. The short pieces get the poles, the long ones tie all the short ones together.

I then took my fostner bit and made holes for the poles, some pieces have 2 holes some only have one.

Since i had a few to do i figures i would set up a quick jig on my drill press.

Once all the holes were drilled i took all the pieces to the sander. I rounded out all the edges, that took a bit of time!

So ones i had all the pieces rounded and smooth, i started assembling the side rails. There is a left and a right and they mirror each other.

If any one want to recreate this here are my plans, and cut list.

Once everything was cut assembled and ready to put together i places the poles in the holes glued and clamped.

I set up my paint booth and sprayed it white.

I gave it a light sand and its ready to use. The first thing my 1yo wanted to do was climb it, so my wife hurriedly placed the bins in place and started filling it with toys.

What a great idea. My daughter needs something similar to sort all her toys!

-- Michal,

Everyone wins when you reuse repurpose or recycle. Well done! A great project! Nice work skills.

CHRIS, Charlottetown PEI Canada. Anytime you can repurpose, reuse, or recycle, everyone wins!

Very nice and a great design.


Nice job. Looks great.

Losing fingers since 1969

Crazy cool. I started laughing because I actually got lost with all the zig zag.

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"

Thanks guys, Michal feel free to use my design! Thorreain, i am always looking around as i drive thru my neighborhood looking for something i can use. Jeff, i confused my self a few times, luckily i had my drawing in front of me at all times, so i would lay it out, check it, check it, then check it one more time. It was a fun build.

Also thanks to the editors that i won editors choice award!

Very creative,love the design Tony,super build.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker