a frame sidewalk signs


Still trying to get shop at house straight. Got a few pieces of heavy equipment leaving next week to new home so I should get the room I need for my wood working area. At present I have everything on wheels including my fathers’ radial that I inherited. In the meantime had a small project for local county park service which gave me the excuse to use my biscuit cutter and a few other things including plotting vinyl for lettering. Wood is rough cedar from HD. Chalkboard is acp panels coated with chalkboard vinyl so that these can be used with colored chalk for various events. Panels can easily be removed and replaced with event specific signage as needed. Not a complicated project at all but still fun and a change of pace from my normal routine.

Agugu Udosunoehi

Yes, very nice work!

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"

Those are great! Nice work.

-- Alec (Friends call me Wolf, no idea why)

A different idea nice job.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

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