Custom Stenciled Signs #'s 4 and 5


Haven’t done as much wood working lately, but I did finish up these two signs.

I delivered the Mothers’ Day sign on Friday, and yesterday received the family picture. The main part of the sign is glued up Pine and the frame is some old Oak I had kicking around. I’m thinking it’s White Oak from back when I made replacement pick up bed board kits for a company, years ago. It’s taken on a brownish hue with age, and looks great clear coated. The lettering is airbrushed using shelf paper stencils cut on a vinyl cutter. The lettering is done in Burnt Umber acrylic paint. The mitered corners are keyed with Red Wood. The key cutting jig I made for the table saw works great.

The second sign is for a former student who has an unusual spelling of her name. She saw the T-I-F-F-N-I-E sign I’d made for my daughter and wanted something similar. It’s also done on Pine, but not glued up Pine, with some of the Oak as the frame. This one also has keyed mitered corners in Red Wood.

I’ve been asked, by a former student’s mother, to make a routed sign for the front gate of an old family place that once belonged to her grand parents. She wants it in grey weathered Pine. I finally scored some this weekend, so I can move on with that one. Got a couple of other signs to make and I’ve been asked to make a wooden ‘59 Chevy Pick Up, or a ’78 or ’79 Chevy Dually. I’m going to lean towards the ’59. :-)

Keith "Shin" Schindler

You’re on a roll with these signs.

Losing fingers since 1969

Awesome job. Looks great.

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"

Another cool sign nice work

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Great job

Anthony Viscuso Jr

Mighty fine you did a great job.

-- Soli Deo gloria! ( To God alone be the Glory)