Morning Glories "Shrine"


I love my morning glories! They are so gorgeous in the morning when I go to work. Really starts my day off with a smile!
Last year I had a little ladder that they completely overran, so this year, I decided to make a trellis with an “attitude”.
The it’s all pallet wood that I recovered.
Except for the piece of trellis, which was a leftover.
The heart is oak and was laid out with full
Boards across, then cut with the bandsaw. It then got an oak backing to hold all the pieces together.
I Madd this on a whim, but sometimes my whims are the most fun!
Thanks for checking it out!

Steve Tow

Outstanding creation, I too love morning glories. Very nice, good job.


Nice work steve ,makes me think of the song"Love is in the air" :))

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Thanks guys! It was fun and fast. I really enjoyed knowing that it was essentially a quick build.
I have been working so many hours, with my store on pace to do a record year this year, I haven’t had much shop time, and have 3 projects in the works, I haven’t been able to devote the time to them that they require….
Thanks again for your kind words!

Steve Tow

It has attitude for sue:)

Nicely done.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA