tropical patio cooler cart out of pallet boards


I thought I would try my hand at a cooler cart I see other wood workers makes them this is my first try made out of pallet boards 5 1/2 and 3 1/2 boards planed them handle out of a old lawn mower i had put wheels on it painted tropical bird and palm trees clear coat



Very nice cooler cart Jim!
It’s almost impossible to tell that you used pallet wood as the project has a great look to it with a great fit and finish .
Enjoy some cool drinks and enjoy .

Klaus .

thanks pallet boards some are hard to work with thanks again


Nice work Jim, great touch making pallet wood look beautiful.


Thank Jack takes time to get them down to workable


Very nice I’ve been wanting to make one for my rear deck.

Randy - If I'm not on the computer than I'm out making sawdust.

Looks great Jim

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Really nice job , like the paintings , good use of pallet wood


well done nice to see, a fun project made with others castoffs novel idea

Very nice and very functional. Excellent job. Nearly everything I do is made from pallet wood, love the idea of repurposing/recycling.


Jim looks great. I love the fact you used pallet wood. Another great creation by you. Thanks for sharing it. Many years of happy parties. Lol

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"

thanks jeff that’s means a lot from a higher woodworker like your self


Very nice finish work on the pallets Jim. It’s always a challenge with Pallet Wood, and you made it look great!

thanks ben a lot of work with pallet wood thanks again
