Tack Chest/Box


This is the latest creation. This box/chest is made from pine pallet wood with a rustic overtone. 30" wide x 20" deep x 22" in height. Tried some different things with this and learned a lot. The finish is Red Mahogany with a satin polyurethane finish. The top has three coats of poly and a coat of wax. The sides, front and back have one coat of poly with the stain. The inside is stained as well. I like working with hardwoods mostly but, working with this pine has taught me the difference. It was fun and quite a learning experience. The rustic overtone is the fact that pine stains so much different than hardwoods. Thanks for looking and if you have any suggestions, more than happy to read them. Thank you.



Very Nice James, I wonder how wood dye would do on pine opposed to stain?

Randy - If I'm not on the computer than I'm out making sawdust.

good job james we work in pallets don’t we


Yes, Mr Webster, we do. Saves a great deal from going to the landfill and some turn out pretty nice. Lot of work but, fun.


Nice work. For soft woods I usually use a wood conditioner before applying the stain. Helps even out the stain quite a bit.

Thank you Michael Ray, I will try that on the next pine box I do.


Very nice. I would use a sandable sealer first. Then apply your stain. Otherwise good job.

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"

Super box James

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Nice chest James.

I like the finish.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Thanks,Jeff, I’m going to make another pine box and try the sandable sealer. I want to o try the wood conditioner as well, see which one is best for me. Thank you all for your comments and advice.


Beautiful James!!!

Steve Tow

Very nice James, lots of care and craftsmanship went into your chest. I have been on the lookout for some pallet wood to give it a try but can’t seem to find any pallets that are not butchered up.


Jack, I can tell you it is getting harder and harder to find good pallets. So many people are looking now, it is getting tough to find anymore. That’s why this project is in pine not my favorite hardwood. Good luck in your search.
