Lee Ellen's Box


Jewelry box commission. 11.75″ × 9″ × 5.5″, primary woods are Maple and figured Sapele. Maple and Walnut inlay banding, Sapele and Bigleaf burl inlay strip, turned Red Palm knob. Cherry tray pull (deeply molded with a finger contour). Kerf fitted dividers. Tray and box have padded moire silk linings.
Shellac and wax finish.

This photo is shot from the back of the tray at the molded handle strip.

Nice box.

What did you finish it with?

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

great job , I like the inlay strip , just a beautiful piece


Top notch work Douglas ,excellent choice of woods and very fine workmanship.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Lovely, Doug!

Martin Sojka, Maker of Craftisian

Really a nice box Lee Ellen, very good workmanship.

Maury Dodson