Happy thanksgiving to all my fellow woodworkers guys and gals may you have many many more


Thanks Jim
I wish you and all of the rest of the gang @WWW a wonderful Thanksgiving too.
I try to realize throughout the year the many things and people I’m grateful for. Compared to so many people all around the world all of us in North America have a great abundance,including things like enough food to eat,housing,peace and safe environment.
I know there are folks here that have problems in some of those areas but in general we have so much to be grateful for. I’m also so grateful for the love of my life for 48 years my dear wife and a great family.
A little twist to an old song"come on be Thankful"

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

that’s right jim thanks Bruce jim


Happy thanksgiving to all!

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Happy Thanksgiving.

Randy - If I'm not on the computer than I'm out making sawdust.