Bathroom sink


In the middle of restoring a very old house in France and couldn’t find a sink we could agree on, fortunately I came across a huge amount of London plane that was taken out of the local market square, so chisels out and this is it. Could do with a little help on the sealer, has anybody tried clear epoxy? Read about it but getting even more confused, any advise appreciated, it’s been settling by the work shop doorway and is ready for final sand and some sort of sealer, used oil on the last one but need something that brings out the grain and spalting pattern.

wood wolf

totally unique,well done

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

I don’t know about availability en France but here in N. America I would strongly recommend S1 Sealer from System Three. I used LOTS of this stuff when I was building yachts and it is the only epoxy that I know of that has the ability to penetrate any distance at all before cross-linking. Three or four coats (recoat as soon as it is tacky) would make the sink very waterproof and your colours will pop too.
You should also do the outside of course as it will absolutely seal and can cause uneven stresses if only the inside were coated.

The early bird gets the worm but its the second mouse that gets the cheese.

Thanks shipwright, may be able to track it down on the web,just been fighting with a huge Cyprus stump that could make a nice free form base, time permitting, as usual.
Thank you a1jim for your kind comment.

wood wolf

As Jim said, totally unique piece … one day, when I will have cottage I would like to have something similar in the bathroom :)

-- Michal,

I agree with shipwright. Seal 100% inside and outside. Cut the drain hole before sealing and seal the edges of the hole. It’s really beautiful and unique. Good luck with it and don’t forget to come back and show us the finished installation!

Losing fingers since 1969

Thanks guys, another question about the epoxy, will it take over a dry linseed oil finish? I usually rub on one coat to find any glue/sanding marks I may have missed first time round.

wood wolf