Router table


I could not find a router table that I liked. I wanted a high fence and long table. I finally decided I could build want I wanted “cheaper” than buying one. (Don’t tell my wife I may have gone over budget a little) It is 4 foot by 28 inch. I used Maple plywood for sides. Maple for faceframe and trim.
The top is two layers of 3/4 MDF laminated.
I ran 4" hose directly to the fence and under the table for dust collection.
I ran into an issue when I realized I didnt properly plan for the switch and hinges on the center panel so I decided to simply add a lip on the cabinet door face and install magnets for a catch.



Now, THAT’S a real router table!!


“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” Benjamin Franklin

It looks great Jeff,I’m with you I don’t care for small router tables.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Very nice looking and will do a great job.

I’m envious! That is a beautiful looking tool. Great job!

Great work

I do not have attention deficit disor.................hey look, it's a bunny!

Thank you for the compliments!

Oh, I have router table envy! Nice job!

Keith "Shin" Schindler

What size is this? looks great! i’m in the middle of building mine I like all the drawers you have

looks great!

-- Soli Deo gloria! ( To God alone be the Glory)

I’m where you were prior to your excellent build here. What you designed and built is EXACTLY, well almost, what I’m desiring. Any chance there might be plans, sketches, notes that. I could purchase or try and talk you out of? Much appreciate anything you can sell me or provide.

Stay safe. . .

Super nice! Looks great.

-- Soli Deo gloria! ( To God alone be the Glory)