Mom's Entertainment Center


This was a gift to my mother from me for her 85th birthday,it took me all those years to finish it,HA HA just kidding :).The cabinet is oak ply with solid oak trim, the drawer holds approximately 70 DVD’s or as mom would have it about 30 VHS tapes.The leaves are carved and recessed back into the stiles with a small 1/4’’ frame or trim around them.The drawer, shelf, and top are all done in 3/4’’ oak rope molding.On the drawer, I ran a rabbit around the edge to keep the rope molding flush with the face of the drawer.The back is just 1/4 pegboard allowing the components some ventilation. Every time she gets a new mail man she has to invite them in for a minute to show them her new entertainment center,well that is what mom’s do RIGHT. She’s my best customer!!!


Beautiful, functional and unique Bob. Love the decorative front. Congrats on the well deserved Editors Choice!


Great gift ,super build.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker


That’s a lovely gift! I hope your Mom has another 20 years of enjoying it!


“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” Benjamin Franklin

Thanks everyone for all the great comments,I guess I finally found the friends I’ve been looking for the one’s that understand the time,the challenges, and the Love that goes into all of our work.People think were crazy when we walk into wherever we do our creations and whisper(AHHH THE SMELL OF OAK IN THE MORNING) ;) I have a feeling you all know when you build something for someone you Love it always is exceptional !!! Thanks again friends BOB .


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