My Scroll Saw Project


No 4 Son paid a visit and asked if I could help him make an Anchor and shield for a wedding and Birthday he was attending.
The Anchor was first up so we started it.
We used a plank of New Guinea Rosewood I had for all of its construction.
The actual anchor is constructed in three parts, the top of the anchor to just above the base, the base section and then the cross piece with the letters on it.
We were going to add a fold out leg at the back to support it but did not have enough material so a small stand was constructed from the offcuts to support it.

We used a half lap for the cross member and another to join the base.
Cut the basic parts out with a band saw from a Internet drawing and sized it to suit our needs.
The base grain is 90 deg to the vertical body along with the cross piece
The letters and numbers were cut out with a scroll saw. The letters as you can see are free standing however the date is all linked together the dots between the numbers were formed by cutting away the link sections.

I think the poor scroll saw wondered what was going on as it usually sits quietly beneath my drum sander covered with an MX4 and gets very little use, hence my raggedy scroll saw skills leave a bit to be desired.
As a result I have real no tips or tricks to pass on, apart from maybe look after your tools and it will pay dividends, wepulled out the scroll saw dusted it off and wiped it down no rust anywhere!
ready to go!

All a bit fiddly and I was constantly concerned about breaking off a point or a section of letter as we profiled it all, however it did not happen.

Cutting half lap joints also took some care as we did not have any margin for error, so lots of recutting occured to get everything to fit perfectly, and having a tapered frame didnt do us any favours ether.
The anchor eye was cut with a forstner bit.

NGR is a great looking material, and also great to work with, having the added bonus its like spending all day smelling the roses!

Once we had it finished and sanded I applied some citrus cleaner and oil for a surface finish.

Regards Rob

Unique and beautiful Rob, such a treasure for the happy couple.


Nice work, a real special project.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker