Yet more coin displays


I made some of these displays a little over a year ago. I outgrew the one in my office and needed to make another that held more coins. Decided to make a spare at the same time as I’ve had a couple co-workers comment they would be interested too.
I also included some of my favorite coins. In the background is the mallet I made and also a paper towel holder I made for my daughter. It will get mounted up under her cabinets. I made one for my kitchen a couple of years ago and absolutely love the way it looks and works. The towel rod on hers is my second job on the new lathe. I can already see needing some quality gouges and a new chuck.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men - and women - to do nothing. Burke

Awesome looking coin holder, Tim!

Lew- Time traveler. Purveyor of the Universe's finest custom rolling pins.

Very nice work.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Great way to desplay the coins!! Nice work!

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