I had a few extra pieces that I made for other boxes and thought I may as well put a box together and this is the result . Not sure who wants it or what I should call it but my wife said “EXTRA BOX ” .
The box is made from maple and walnut and measures 12” X 6” X 6 1/4” lined with faux suede and a couple little pewter pieces on the tray handle and Soss hinges which I find perfect for this size box .
Not sure where the inspiration came from but I guess the extra pieces what did it .
Comments and questions welcome .


— Kiefer

A very nice box.

-- Soli Deo gloria! ( To God alone be the Glory)

For Extra pieces that is a beautiful box. How did you make the diamond shapes of the top?

WC (Bruce)

Thanks guys appreciate your comments !
Bruce I made a video of the process and you can view it here.

This is one of your best. Really beautiful.

Losing fingers since 1969

Thank you Kiefer, I’ll check out the video.

WC (Bruce)

wow, fantastic work. I wish I had some extra pieces laying around that looked like that.

Rob, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario