My GRANDSON come to visit this weekend and we spent some time in the shop making this axe but before we started I ask him to make a sketch and that was followed by looking at some pictures on Google and he said kind of like that one but nicer.
We did a layout full size and soon realized that we had to reduce the size as you can see in the second picture . Anyway I started cutting a bunch of 1 1/4" squares from 1/8" hardboard and he sanded all the edges and putting a slight bevel on the edges and then did a dry fit adding some strips for the top and he liked the result .
My wife did the painting which was breeze since she could paint all the pieces separately having them marked for colour . Then we assembled all the pieces on some 1/4" MDF and cut out the shape when the glue had dried over night .
A bit of sanding and a coat of wipe on poly and done.
I can’t think of a better time then to spent in the shop with my Grandkids just love it
I think he will be happy when he gets it .


Klaus, Your planting seeds for the future by meeting him where he is. Great job with him! Your axe is pretty too but I don’t follow the games.

Thomas J. Tieffenbacher/aka docSavage45

Good work, and a time to remembered by all, it is blessed premium time to spend with Grand child bonding and instructing them in ways that are wholesome, sowing seeds that will enhance their character. My your times be often together.

-- Soli Deo gloria! ( To God alone be the Glory)

Good stuff Klaus. Spending time with the kiddos is always great. Maybe they can teach us something.


Tor and Odin are the greatest of gods.

What wonderful memories for you both. My three grandsons want to head to the shop as soon as they come in the house. Let’s make something Paw Paw. Amazing stuff.


Awesome. Must have been a real joy.

Losing fingers since 1969

Sounds like fun cool.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Nothing like doing some woodworking with the grand kids. Really super job.


To cute, my two younger kids would love this!