Miter saw using my tracksaw.


Remodeling our kitchen my better half decided on some base boards that are 5.25” (135mm.) tall. This is too tall for my very old Makita miter saw, and a pita to cut on the table saw when you start out with 16’ boards.

A new approach was needed. My new track saw was the solution. On some saw horses went a small sheet of plywood. Then a chute was made 5.25” wide was screwed to the plywood. The chute was the same thickness as the molding. The track is then screwed 90 degs. to the chute. Then a couple for test cuts to make sure all was square. A couple of marks on the chute to show the insertion of the molding under the track.

This has been very helpful for me so far.


Tor and Odin are the greatest of gods.

Good thinking enjoy your new toy.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker