Dog Hat #2 -- (The Keeper)


I wanted to make a hat for my grandson and of the options that I selected, I chose this dog one by RepeatCrafterMe.

The first attempt, (which turned out quite well, just too big for my grandson and I didn’t like my placement of the facial features) was the preschool size, using a 5mm hook.

So yesterday, I tried again, this time following the directions for the 9-12 months size. I finished the hat and had him try it on before going to the work of adding the face — he absolutely LOVED it .. he laughed and laughed and played with the braids. When I asked him if he wanted it plain or with the face, he chose the face. So last night I whipped up the ears, etc and this morning I put it all together.

I’m quite pleased with the results, especially since the hat part took me only a few hours, as opposed to the days it takes for an afghan. And it looks like a hat…. and it fits! … and he likes it. So you can’t ask for more than that.

Hook: 5mm
Yarn: (main hat) RedHeart “Aran Fleck” worsted weight. (The 260 yards made 2 hats with a fair bit left over.)
(Note: the pink in the photo is just a water bottle that the hat is sitting on)

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit