

My brother & sister-in-law host a bluegrass every year and family members have traditionally donated handmade projects as draw prizes. With my renewed interest in crocheting I thought I’d create something to add to the list.

My original plan was a keyboard scarf but a bunch of factors stopped the “zen” feeling from happening while I was working on it – and if it isn’t fun then why do it. So I scrapped that plan / pattern and opted for the back-up, simpler plan: a musical staff.

This plan, too, got adapted, as I didn’t like the look of the treble clef on it and then I didn’t want to be tying knots everywhere, adding the stems to the notes so the notes remain just dots on the lines. [the tying of knots is what annoyed me with the first version].

If I were to do it again, I’d try adding the stems as I made the notes instead of adding them after. A good “after thought” idea.

Yarn: Bulky weight
Crochet Hook: 6.5mm

1 row sc in white
1 row dc in white
alternate the following to create the staff (repeated 5 times):
1 row sc in black with randomly placed popcorn stitches
1 row dc in white
and last row is a row of sc in white.

Ends of yarn are tied off at each end, with long tails left to tie in knots and left hanging as tassels.
I chose not to have a tassel at the ends of the sc of white (edge rows)

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit