Doll Hat & Poncho


My granddaughter (who is 1) was trying to put on her own socks the other day, so providing some doll clothes for her to practice with is a great learning tool.

So… out came the crochet hook and her mother’s “Jenny” doll and I got to work on the start of a wardrobe. Next time I’m out shopping, I will have to get a new doll, and put this one back in a safe place – I’m a little worried about what the hair will look like after a day of playing.

First I made a hat that is similar to one that I had made for my granddaughter last month (minus the flower).

Next, a simple poncho that is a tad too big, but I wanted to make it easy for the little hands to pull over the head of the doll.

No pattern… just made them fit.

Next: some pull-on boots. …again, just made them fit and didn’t worry about matching — just easy to get on and off.

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit