Pouch II


Here is another pouch idea that I had, for my Gatherings at my Cabin.

Directions (these might not make sense to anyone else… if you have questions, let me know)

1. colour 1: magic ring
2. 7 sc; slip stitching into the first stitch
3. colour 2: 3 dc; chain 1, skip 1; 3 dc
4. colour 1: sc (2) in the dc; sc into space; dc into row 2 (same colour) [30 stitches?]
5. colour 2: sc around, increasing as needed, everything 5th stitch? [36?]
6. colour 1: increase approximately every 6th stitch; sc to the stitch above the dc of row 4; skip the stitch of row 5 and work a triple crochet into the dc of row 4; sc to next dc (increasing as required), repeat [42?]
7. tie off end strands, leaving them dangling – this creates the bottom fringe
1. magic ring
2. 7sc, slip stitch into the first stitch
3. create circle, increasing as needed, until it is the same size as the front
4. attach at the top corner of the desired pouch opening (with fringe at the bottom), sc or slip stitch around to other opening corner
5. chain a necklace length and attach to other (first) side of the opening.
6. note: don’t make the opening too large or you will have to add a closing mechanism.

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit