Wheel loader CAT 966


About a year ago I started building this loader of Toys and Joys . It was a lot of work and I,m glad, despite some errors, with it. He is made mostly from ash. The rubber of the wheel are from oak. The seat is padouk and I don,t know the name of the brown african wood. There are always a couple of things that are not according the original drawing. I didn,t make a steering wheel but a screen. The wheels, railing and ladder are a little bit different. It was fun to do.

Thank you for reading. All coments are welcome.


Oh man! that is nice.

you put a lot effort in it but the resul is great!

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

David thank you for your reaction. I also read your homepage and saw your work. Very nice and a lot when you are so bussy. At your age I hadn,t time for making such things you made.

Ianwater also thanks for your reaction. I also like your work very much!


Beautiful work. It’s so scale and detailed. The choice of colours is great. That must have taken a very long time.

CHRIS, Charlottetown PEI Canada. Anytime you can repurpose, reuse, or recycle, everyone wins!

That is one amazing project! Now that it is done, you can play with it forever!

Awesome job and I like the details!!

very impressive,great looking loader.

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