Vanity mirrors


I started to make 14 vanity mirrors with a little drawer underneath. They were going to be simple easy projects. I have built a lot of small projects this year and my heart just never got into project. Once I was assured of the 7 I needed I burnt the rest. In fact multiple times they all almost became ash. Not my best project but daughters-DIL and granddaughters will love them and that is all that matters. Drawers disappeared. mirror is 8 × 12 for size. Big leaf maple and cherry. Son just told me he sure would like a bench :) thank goodness a big project……….

Very nice. Yeah ihave been in your shoes. Sometimes i say why did i get myself into this mess. Lol but i truck through. They look very nice, great job. Im done doing small stuff for 2014 moving onto cabinets next. Happy shavings!

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"

The ladies in your family are going to really Like those, Mike. And they’ll always know You made it for each of them! Well done Christmas gifts.

Might As Well Dance :

Thanks- Merry Christmas to you all

Very nice Mike,nice clean design and the drawer adds a lot.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker