Bench- maybe a bit more then a bench


I Had a perfectly good oak and red fir bench but got a great deal on an Emmert repro vise. Since I had the vise – Of course I needed a bench worthy of it. I get all these guitar reject big leaf maple blanks and had some walnut and hard maple for top. This is the result. I love making benchs.


beautiful bench. Good enough for woodworking in your living room!

Thanks- If I do woodworking in the living room I will be living in the yard!!!!!!!!!!!

Beautifull bench.

What’s the padauck insert in the above picture use?

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Very pretty.

CHRIS, Charlottetown PEI Canada. Anytime you can repurpose, reuse, or recycle, everyone wins!

Insert acts as a stop or it can be flipped and is flat.

A wonderful example of passion and function!! Really well done! <3

Steve Beauchamp

THanks Mike.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Gorgeous bench, and spectacular work. I’m in the midst of building a BenchCrafted Roubo at the moment, so I’m a bit bench obsessed. Yours is easily one of the nicest I’ve seen. My compliments.

Just beautiful. Is that from plans or your creativity? I would love to have one.


Benches are easy- I just made the frame and made the drawers to fit.No plan- I never have a plan- if I do I do not follow it. Spent my whole life reading and following plans to the letter- No way now.

Wow very awesome! Yes i need a bench im tired of build everthing on the tablesaw. Lol

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"

Very nice. I carve and have been known to ‘distress’ the top when in the zone and seeing nothing but the piece. Also, carving height is much taller than assembly height so I’ve been reluctant to build a nice bench until I understand what works best. I’ve experimented with 2 made from a retired solid door and the wife’s kitchen table. All I can say is when she stored it in the shop she should have known the risks.

Mike C.

That is Funny Mike C. I adjusted height on this one a little lower then old one. I can sit or stand and be comfortable. I think height is not a one size fits all kind of thing.

Wow I say WOW that’s way to beautiful to work on.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker