Custom designed rocking chair


Earlier this year I became a first ime grandfather (Peepaw ) and my daughter requested a rocking chair. The photo with black cushions was sent to me as the only pattern to work from. Researching various rocker designs I prototyped a soft wood version to test the design. After minor changes, 52 hand fitted mortise and tennon joints, and my first ever upholstry job, the solid walnut chair is in full use rocking my grandson.


That is a beautiful design and it looks very well made too. Great enjoyment for the mother and the babe.

Mike, an American living in Norway

Very very well done! It’s sure to be an heirloom. You do great work.

CHRIS, Charlottetown PEI Canada. Anytime you can repurpose, reuse, or recycle, everyone wins!

Congrats on the grandson and beautiful chair.

Congradulations Peepaw!!!!! beautiful rocker. How can I get the plans. My skills won’t let me develop my own plans. Thank you for aharing your work!