Dewalt Scroll Saw


This is my favourite and most used tool. I bought this saw in 2007 and it has been well used with lots of mileage on it and no problems at all. I cut a piece of plexiglass the same size and shape of the table and stuck a magnet sheet on the back so it would hold to the metal table without moving. Using this I was able to cut a smaller hole for the blade to go through and therefore get good accurate cuts. It also is a very smooth surface to move your wood around efficiently. When threading the blade through a drill hole to do a fret cut I thread from bottom to top. To do this I need the arm of the saw to stay up. I just cut a wedge of wood which does the job perfectly. There is an attachment you can get which also does the job but of course you are going to pay for it.


Well, aren’t you smart! – the plexiglass!

I haven’t done a lot of scrollsawing as it gets a little fiddly for me. I thought I would like doing all that intricate work but … probably just needed more experience

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit

To me scroll sawing is the same kind of motion as using a sewing machine – my two favourite tools!


This was how I solved the issue of keeping the arm raised when doing fret work. I used some pipe fittings, because that is what I had available. You could use a couple of small weights, or a small box filled with sand or just about anything for ballast.
After I built the box to go around the arm I then attached a board to go over the back of the saw. Then all I had to do was balance the weights and slide them back until it held the arm up. Now when I need to change blades or do fret work all I have to do is lift the arm and it stays up. It will not lift up on its own, but it takes very little effort to lift.
I hope this helps someone, it works well for me.

.................. John D....................