Finally Back

Well gentleman, ( the term used rather loosely ), I think I'm healthy enough to get back in the shop a little. Will be spending more time on here also. I was walking across the yard and dropped like an anchor. Had some major blockages in my heart and veins around it. After clearing everything with stents and some surgery, the Cardio experts changed my meds and food intake and told me to take it very easy for a few months. They now say I am back to very good health and are not restricting me to anything I do, as long as I don't get stupid about it. I definitely don't feel 10 foot tall and bullet proof anymore so thought I would listen to the doctors for a change. I'm not sure if having me back is good or bad for you guy's, I guess we will find out, LOL. You all have a good day and thanks.

11 Replies

Good to have you back Mel...glad you have that behind you.


mel it's very good to have you back my friend ! and yes, dont be stubborn and listen to your doc's. hey we need all the members we can that actually do something here 😁

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Welcome back! Congrats on making it through that!!

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

Welcome back! Sorry about your travails.

Steven- Random Orbital Nailer

welcome back nice to see you recover some it shard when no hope and it keeps getting worse 


Welcome back mel, that sounds very scary bud. Don't push your luck, medical science is so good today if you behave, you'll probably be around for many more years. It sucks to get old, but it sure beats the alternative.

.................. John D....................

Good to have you back and on your feet. 
Welcome! We kept a light on and left the bandsaw tensioned!
Welcome back Mel, keep doing what they tell ya.

I had a 3 vessel CABG back in 2013, and that a stop to my "other" job of building, and woodworking, sold everything except a lot of smaller tools, and then got bored, and rebought a new shop, just saying this because it's expensive, and I hope ya still have tools. I sure don't suggest selling it all off until, well, just until.

I've just gotten back into my shop after almost 3 years of one thing after another. This getting older stuff is not for wimps. :-)

Keep moving, I hear we are harder to bury if we are moving. 

Welcome back '52...

People look at me stupid when I congratulate them about similar misfortune... to me the  "beauty" of it is that you are now aware of issues, know better and what to do/don't, and will be under medical surveillance for the future.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Welcome back! Glad to hear you are on the road to recovery.