Dowels, Yet One More Way to Get There

Was going through things that popped up on my screen, while chasing another rabbit down a hole. This came up. It's a dowel jig using two saber saw blades. 

Might be worth a try.

I guess it would work…seems like it’d be a pretty rough finish. 

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

Many ways to make dowels. What ever gets you what you need. I have a dowel plate that I just smash the wood through. The harder woods can come out a little rough with the plate
As I said before, not every dowel has to be smooth. I, often, have taken the teeth of my ChannelLocks to a down before gluing.
I've done this method. It makes dowel but very rough. Then you have to sand and there's no control over the finished diameter.
IMO.... not a good way. 
Yeah, the bash through a single hole does leave things rough. Great for joinery where the rough surface makes for a great glue bond, but not for something that needs to be functional like a hinge pin.

I have this requirement covered with my🎉.... however, on behalf of those that don't have a 🎉..... thanks for the post.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD