I just got some new/very old planes. I need to some major rust removal. Any good ideas?

Tor and Odin are the greatest of gods.

Not from this corner of the world.
This guy and many other used electrolysis :http://www.lorenzopasqualis.com/2013/01/restoring-handplane-with-electrolysis.html

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

The link seems to be broken Don.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

-- Alec (Friends call me Wolf, no idea why)

Thanks guys.

Tor and Odin are the greatest of gods.

thanks Wolf, for some reason when I copied and pasted from my phone it wouldn’t work.

-- There is nothing like the sound of a well tuned hand plane. - https://timetestedtools.net and https://diy.timetestedtools.net

That URL had three dashes in it at one point. The website kept converting two dashes into a long hyphen. I was able to stop it by linking my text to the URL. I’ve never seen a URL with three dashes in a row and have no idea who thought that was a cool way to build a link and so I doubt anyone in admin for this site needs to worry about it. Anyway, cools site once I got to it :)

-- Alec (Friends call me Wolf, no idea why)

That’s a great source of info Don,.
Thanks W&R!

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

If you have a die grinder, you can go to an auto parts store and get a little kit that is used by auto mechanics for cleaning up gasket surfaces. It’s a plastic holding fixture that fits the collet of the die grinder. There are little 2 inch scotch brite type pads that twist into the fixture. That and a little mineral spirits is what I use to remove rust.