TIPS ... hinges


What are your tips, tricks, strategies — and questions — re: making and/or attaching hinges?

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit

Self centering drill bits. I have a set of Vix bits, but there are other brands. I wouldn’t want to try to attach hinges without them any more.

Self cantering spring loaded punch is a great little tool to get the holes lined up perfectly. A trim/laminate router makes short work of rabbiting in a slot for the smaller hinges. For doors I have a 3 slot aluminum jig tool. For removing and putting doors back on a small wedge is handy. For holding doors to work on them I have a jig, A 2×6 laid on the floor with a couple of pieces of 3/4 plywood screwed to the edge a couple inches apart pointing up from the floor.

CHRIS, Charlottetown PEI Canada. Anytime you can repurpose, reuse, or recycle, everyone wins!

I use double sided tape for continuous hinges. Makes it easy to adjust the hinge just right then drill the holes.

I'm the one with the beard