Anyone know how to make epoxy solid black in colour?


Anyone know how to make epoxy solid black in colour? I have some cracks to fill in an elm plank and I don’t think colour matching will ever work. I saw a guy make pitch black epoxy but he never said how he did it. That would work for me. Any suggestions?

-- Alec (Friends call me Wolf, no idea why)

12 Replies

My recommendation is to call the people at West Systems – I’ve used their epoxy for several years, and they’ve always been helpful on questions – Tech Support would handle this.


What MJCD says… And make sure you let us know what they say.

Wondering aloud… I am wondering if acrylic pigments (think Hobby Lobby) would be the preferred choice?… All I know is that they work great in coloring milk paint.


I’ve used a product call 1-Shot purchased at Amazon with epoxy, worked great.

Mike, I think the acrylic pigments would work for coloring but not mix well with an epoxy. I would think that the mixing process would create bubbles that would create texture issues.


Mike: Ha! You’re wife must love you. “Are you done with the stove? I need to get dinner on” :)

Nicky: thanks for the lead…I’ll look for it here in the UK. So oil based dye for epoxy, then….right.

-- Alec (Friends call me Wolf, no idea why)

Wow, I wouldn’t have thought oil base + epoxy. Anyway, you can still get oil based pigments at Hobby Lobby in the same part of the store.

Nicky, just how is mixing oil based pigments with epoxy different?


Powdered carbon is used regularly. I used to do black epoxy in teak overlay deck seams using a paste colorant that I got from my epoxy supplier but I’m pretty sure it was basically carbon powder in a chemically neutral goo medium to make it easier to handle.

The early bird gets the worm but its the second mouse that gets the cheese.

Mike – using water based paint will most likely trap the water molecules in the resins of the epoxy and not mix well.

An oil based paint will mix better, producing more consistent results.

Wolf – the 1-step is a very durable paint, that will sand very nicely to a polished finish. I’ve had the best results with this product. One caveat – I’ve not done a lot of experimenting. Just say’n what worked for me.

I also think that Shipwrights suggestion would work as well.

Many ways to skin a cat.


I’ve always had great results using J.E. MOSER’S ANILINE DYES. They mix well with epoxy and a little goes a long way. I know you can get it at Wood Workers Supply.

Moser’s dye works really well but will leave a translucent effect. The OP wanted a solid black epoxy to fill a crack in a plank.

I’ve done some experimenting with what the OP is trying to do. The trick is to get the color and finish you’re after without adding too much of a tint color. I’ve tried various method where I got the color I was after, but needed to add a lot of tint to get there. The results are usually a tacky finish that could not be sanded to the high polished look I was after.


I use Transtint to color my epoxy. Works very well. You can get it at Woodcraft or Rockler.

I am going to file all this information for my future use. Good stuff. Thanks.

FWIW, I used to exclusively use West Systems epoxy when laminating Obechi veneer to foam core airfoils when building RC sailplanes, but never added color. Wish I had never sold my vacuum pump… 8-(


I just recently tried this—oz.aspx which seems to work well.

But always used artist charcoal before. I bought a pack at walmart for a couple of bucks, and use a utility knife blade to grind a little up and add to the epoxy. Its a pain for a large amount, but works well for small repairs.

-- There is nothing like the sound of a well tuned hand plane. - and