First posting here


Retired, well mostly. I am a relative newcomer to woodworking, started maybe seven or so years ago. I live in the Northeast and have all my life. I am a hand tool user primarily, using power tools to do the initial dimensioning.

I just finished this bench

I work out of two chests for the most part

Currently I’m working on a set of night stands of my own design.

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17 Replies

Nice work! Welcome to the site. Hand tools are cool!

Rich, thanks for the welcome and hand tools are cool! One of my bucket list items is a nail cabinet similar to yours. Nice work.

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Welcome to WWW.

You bench looks very solid. you build it well.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Thank you Ian.

Watch and learn, practice and learn, create and learn

Nice examples of your skills. Welcome…

Thanks VKD

Watch and learn, practice and learn, create and learn

Welcome to www
Looks like you have lots of good tools and have done lots of nice work.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Hi Jim and thanks. I will post a few projects that I’ve done pretty soon.

Watch and learn, practice and learn, create and learn

Looking forward to seeing more of your work.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Welcome a board . You are really going to enjoy this web site .


Bruce, thanks and I’m enjoying it now!

Watch and learn, practice and learn, create and learn

Beautiful work, welcome.


Beautiful work, welcome.


Jack, thank you.

Watch and learn, practice and learn, create and learn

What have you been up to the last seven years, Old Flatulent Individual?

Enquiring minds, and all that rot... ;-)

Don't anthropomorphize your handplanes. They hate it when you do that. - OldTools Archive -

Great looking bench. I used to use more hand tools but as I get older power has pretty much taken over. Welcome to Craftisian. Mike
beautiful bench.mostly power for me but i am starting to incorporate more hand tools.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.