Woodworking Blogs

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 My wife wanted a light/whitish finish for the cabinet. Maple is pretty light toned, so my first thought was to use a clear water-based poly finish...
The doors are 3/4" maple plywood slabs with 1/2" wide solid maple trim and inlaid tiles and accent strips. They were by far the most difficult part...
 The case is a basic face frame cabinet. [Sewing Cabinet Plywood Case Dimensions.jpg] I used pocket screws to build the face frame and dowels to a...
I had originally planned to build the entire cabinet from solid maple, but high lumber prices (soft maple is $7.50 per board foot at my favorite su...
I think it's time to build a nail (screw) cabinet to hold the assortment of old-stock slotted screws I use on projects. Yes, slotted screws. The be...
I fully intended to do the tote repair and the refinishing of the tote and knob in one post but shop time has been scarce so I'm going to just go a...
Man, it's been a while! I've had so little shop time lately and none of it has been unspoken for, so rehabbing this plane hasn't been on the agenda...
Well, I said I probably wouldn't blog about painting this one since I covered my process pretty thoroughly in this old blog entry. However, I did s...
Last time I had straightened my frog fit out and had a fit with the body that I was happy with. Normally my process is to paint the main body next ...
I bought a Millers Falls 24C jointer plane off Ebay a few months ago to fill out a missing slot in my till. The 24 is the size of a Stanley #8 and ...
When we left off (last December!), the internal dividers had been set on this piece and I was debating adding the external framing that's been comp...
Last time: "I'll talk about setting that reference point for stopped dados in the next installment… That's simple. The stopped dados are set to a...