Veneer Compass Rose

7 entries

1 Making a compass rose out of veneer

Ages ago on Lumberjocks I did a popular blog series on making a compass rose.  I ended up making a paduak and maple serving tray and inlaying one o...

2 What do you need to make these? Surprisingly Little!

I didn't invent this technique. I found a tutorial a few decades ago by someone named Michael Henderson. I am not 100% sure, but I think these are ...

3 A lot of repetitive cutting

A 16 point rose is 8 pieces each of two contrasting colors.  (And 360/16 = 22.5 degree angles) You start with a whole lot of straight lines.  In t...

4 The part in which the 3M corporation pays me well for massive blue tape sales. [I Wish]

You have a big pile of multi-colored triangles, and a roll of blue tape.  This part can go real fast, but mistakes here cost you later.  Take one...

5 Veneer Tape Time!

Now you've got some nice circles, lined up well but covered in blue tape.  Flip them over so the tape side is down.  This is your 'show' side that ...

6 Time to make 'em pointy

I forgot to mention it, but the previous day, one step I did is make sure I had enough veneer tape on the roses.  Sometimes I go too short and they...

7 The rose, Inlaid

I really wish I had enough time and photos for this part.  I have another rose to put in, but I was rushing for an r/woodworking box contest, so I ...