VW Logo Blank

8 entries

1 Design and Material Prep

 This project is part of a larger project that I have not yet shared (once I do, I’ll put the link here).    Also, the build sequence has enough de...

2 Lower half

The first glue up is a layer of maple and walnut. These pieces have extra thickness and will be set to the correct thickness later. [image.png]   I...

3 Upper Half

 The upper half is another set of glue ups. The first one is with a layer of maple and walnut. [image.png]   Once the layers are sanded to final t...

4 Join Halves & Prep for Turning

 Now I can glue the two assemblies together. The thin strip in the saw kerfs provides the required alignment. This step was a bit stressful. The th...

5 Turning the Core

This is the desired result. [image.png]   After the centers are carefully located the blank is mounted on the lathe. [image.png]   Next I mounted ...

6 Outer Ring Blanks

 The outer ring is made up of 4 blanks. The first one is shown below. [image.png]   The blank is a rectangle in cross section with a trough cut do...

7 Fitting the Outer Ring Blanks

 I had put steps on each side of the outer ring blanks. These steps were to be used to have a reference surface parallel to the trough axis. But af...

8 Final Turning

  This last step is pretty straightforward – especially compared to the previous steps. I just need to get a cylinder that looks good.    First I d...