Ramblings from a South Central Texas Wood Butcher

29 entries

11 The Runs

The runs, everyone gets them, or will get them. Don’t you hate them? You do everything to keep from getting them, but . . . . . Brush or spray that...

12 Member of the Week! Wow!

Logged in, a little bit ago, to check out the newest creations by my fellow woodworkers, and in scrolling down I saw me as the Member of the Week. ...

13 My Wierdest Wood Working

I’ve been wood working since I was a kid, but it wasn’t until adulthood that I really took off with it. Just a bit ago, I was thinking about some o...

14 Getting "Centered" in the Wood Shop

Some may already know about these, but I figured I’d share, just in case others haven’t. My daughter gave me 12" and 24" center finding rules, and ...

15 What????!!!! (The little Bluebird Houses were a hit)

So, I knock three miniature Bluebird Houses together for the Texas Bluebird Society fundraiser auction. I’m thinking, folks are gonna be like, Thos...

16 Texas Heat Sucks, . . . the Energy Out of Me

Howdy from South Central Texas, a suburb of Hell. Not that it’s a bad place to live, other than the heat and humidity. With that, my time in the sh...

17 Where's the Time Gone? I'm Going Through Withdrawals.

Wow! Been a while since I’ve posted. Not sure how long, but it’s been a while. It got hot, here in South Central Texas. That and my up and down ene...

18 Back in the "Saddle" (Shop)

Howdy Everybody! Hope all, who celebrate it, had a great Thanksgiving. We did. Traveled the week before to celebrate with the kids and the in laws....

19 In the Works

Great to be back to a little wood working. Shoulder isn’t what it used to be, but I can use it, and I didn’t have to have surgery. Yay! Any way, I’...

20 Just Amazing, You Should at Least Check out the Web Site

Over the years I’ve seen some outstanding wood working. Even done a little that surprises me. I’ve seen a lot of fantastic stuff here, too. Today, ...