More Veneer Pendant Lamps #3: Socket mounting and test lighting


This is part 3 in a 8 part series: More Veneer Pendant Lamps

  1. Background
  1. Basic Structure
  2. Socket mounting and test lighting
  3. Pre-assembly Prep
  1. Rinse and Repeat

I'm still just dry fitting here in order to see how things would look with a light inside.

The original plan was to mount the socket on the interior of the lamp (with the 3/8" lamp rod through the top cap).  However, I found that with the sockets I was using, this would place the light bulb too low in the lamp, past the mid-point and closer to the bottom.  Since the sockets also support the European-style mounting (the big ring nut), which puts the socket mostly outside the lamp, I re-designed the top cap to mount the socket that way.

This did have the intended effect of shifting the bulb up to a better position - not exactly in the center, but close enough.  I wired it up with some lamp cord for a test lighting.

Time to disassemble and do a little sanding.  Given the height these lamps will hang, I'm freed from the tyranny of the perfect in that respect.
Sometime trial an error become part of the project. Good write up.

Main Street to the Mountains

There's more trials and errors ahead!  
Yes, but they make the best projects and a great learning experience. 

Main Street to the Mountains

Yes, but they make the best projects and a great learning experience. 
You've got that right.