Hints and tips that some may not have heard of. #11: Bleed your bloody compressor

Boys and Girls,
With the arrival of my new baby

he was a 100L quite baby boy… I remembered posting a similar topic on LJ back on 8th February, 2021.
I’ve decided to re-post it here, if for no other reason then I bet that people that said on the other forum that they must remember to do it in the future, and now over here, 22 months later, they have forgotten their vow.
After the arrival of the compressor I decided to play musical chairs with my original compressor(s)

Couldn’t fit into my old scout uniform 
and my cadet gear has bred countless generations of moths over the past 60 or so years…
fortunately I had civies 
else I would have gotten arrested wheeling my old compressor around the block to my back yard/area/pattio in the animal nightie.
Having perched it up the step, I decided to bleed it there and then 
while I was recovering from hauling that heavy beast up my back driveway... small wheels, big cracks and debris... just kidding.
A word of caution to the wary… Don’t decant it into SWMBOs favourite Tupperware as like it’s colured cousin… it sticks
Even with scrubbing,
you may lighten it, but it will forever be stained, without that smell.
Favourite excuse is, due to workshop layout, there is difficulty reaching it. If you have trouble, like on the other forum, I’m sure rc will give you tips on how to reach your cock.

Actually, the LJ article below says nothing more than you may have already read… so you can go and forget about it till someone else repeats this article sometime in the future.
Boys and Girls,

With lockdown, isolation and limited movement outside due to C19, I'm sure we've all been
too busy doing nothing to find time and drain our compressors.
When did you last drain yours?
While according to the puritans it should be performed after each use, I'm sure most repeat draining at the same regularity as I have days without vino… neva!
Just did mine and spent about 2 hours mopping up the rusty water discharge off the concrete floor, walls and most tools nearby… should have taken it outside and killed my lawn… don't do it in the driveway else everyone will think you shat your pants after a hot chilli meal.

So off your rrrs and drain the bloody thing and mark it in your calendar to do it more than once every few years.

Keep safe jocks... and your jocks safe!

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD


you would think i would do this every time i use it because i had blow up i did not take pictures of it but now i wish i did was traumatic i had it fastened to the 2 x 4 wall in the shed and it ripped the 2 x 4 s in half.I THINK they make an automatic drainer but never really checked into them :<)))))))) 


Reaching those always stuck drain valves at the bottom is a chore. I dreaded that job on my 60 gallon upright. Reaching into the black widow nest underneath was never my idea of a fun challenge.

First chance i had to get access, I removed the drain valve and installed a 1/4" copper line to a ball valve that is in easy reach. Now it gets drained regularly and the collected water runs clear.
I did something similar and attached a 24” braided water line to the drain on my vertical tank. Makes it much easier to drain it, and keeps water off the steel inside since it sits in the line as a little reservoir. Since the line is visible under the compressor, I remember to drain it as well!

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

well lets see i think i did it...........about 3 years ago......maybe ?

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

How you do it or when you do it is individuals' choice... I just want people to be aware that the water builds up inside and should be emptied... that's what the cock is for. 

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

You taking about your bladder?

As an aside (though compressor related), I know you are a laser master but if you didn't already know this stuff, I found it interesting.

Laser cutter air assist

It's a longish video, but the guy speaks in mm's and says "al-u-minimum", I think you understand this language?

Anyhoo, it leads me to try some testing FWIW.

 commented about 11 hours ago
You taking about your bladder? 
Just quoting potty mouth RC from the other forum.

 commented about 11 hours ago 
As an aside (though compressor related), I know you are a laser master but if you didn't already know this stuff, I found it interesting......
Thanks for the thought Splinter.

Though not bragged about here, I bought my laser with the thought of helping my daughter set up some sort of business, so it was a somewhat higher end one that already had air assist included in both the hardware and the bundled software.  Never run it without.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Yeah, I'm a big fan of the air assist if anything just to keep my lens clean.
He's (the video) is a bin long winded, but the last half he does some good stuff about getting clean through cuts without any taper or soot on the top/bottoms by getting the orifice sized right and the right pressure.
Big thing for me to try is a setup for some pointed airflow slightly from the side.
it Dib dib dib and yes I work my cock quite regularly!  you would be surprised just how much fluid actually comes out.
I just let it shoot on the floor and clean it up later.
I also have two line filters fitted mainly because I have air tools as well as using the air to blow projects down, I don't want any surprise stains on unfinished sanded surfaces.
The alt line is unfiltered and has an oiler in line so the tool gets lube for best performance.
Preventative Maintenance:- 
I also spray Inox into the air intake occasionally this helps prevent rust build up and when the cock is operated to produces a white semi watery fluid instead of something the looks like a endoscope is needed. 

Regards Rob

 commented 16 minutes ago
it Dib dib dib and yes I work my cock quite regularly!  you would be surprised just how much fluid actually comes out.
I just let it shoot on the floor and clean it up later.
I also have two line filters fitted mainly because I have air tools as well as using the air to blow projects down, I don't want any surprise stains on unfinished sanded surfaces.

The alt line is unfiltered and has an oiler in line so the tool gets lube for best performance.
Preventative Maintenance:-
I also spray Inox into the air intake occasionally this helps prevent rust build up and when the cock is operated to produces a white semi watery fluid instead of something the looks like a endoscope is needed

Was waiting for you to disclose your Old MacDonald heritage and start bragging about you cock.

I think I have one of those fittable oilers... however, like everyone with their bleeding practices, it spend more time on the shelf

than on the hose.
Talk about practices and endoscope, fortunately I don't need to regularly update my surgeons license to operate my Milwaukee,

Should have mentioned it in my colonoscopy blog under self diagnosis... its cable is long enough to put a permanent smile on even your face.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD