8 Drawer Beaded Face Frame Cupboard Construction #2: BFFC Day 2 and still getting there


I screwed the frame together and started making the slide supports.
I have a stash of recycled slides but they were too short and I needed to go buy sets of 550mm ones to do the job.
Allso I needed to buy Ply for the drawer frames, I wanted to get 1/2 " or 12mm but the cost and quality made me go for MDF instead
doing the calculations I needed 2 x sheets of 2400 x 1200 mm.

Now trying to wrangle these puppies was quite a task for one person but I managed . (look for the skateboard in another picture)

It involved having the gates open and 3 x roller supports to assist.

the two sheets were ripped in half length wise and stashed away.
I then continued fitting the drawer slide supports.

Once I completed that step I fitted one slide set experimented with how big I could make the drawers.

the depth of the drawers was 570mm and a max height of 140mm which looked good.
So I set to work ripping the fronts and backs and made a test piece to ensure that the Kreg screws would perform as required

Now a point to note:-  if you intend to fill the pocket holes you will need to reduce the screw length from 25.4mm to 19 mm and set the collar deeper 5/8, just a aspect of the Microjig attachment, no big deal all that happens is if you use the 1/2 " setting the plugs will not fit in properly, according to the Kreg experts.

(just a bit of trivia and in case a eagle eye or Duck eye spots what looks to be incorrect setup of the Black microJig)

I completed the first drawer frame and dropped it into position from above. (Pretty smart I thought!)

Looked absolutely great and I was pleased. However I found it bound up on the Face frame when I tried to remove it the normal way,  bugga!
So the height had to be reduced to 125mm and all was good.
I clamped and glued everything together.

However I found the MDF material being a little greasy it kept moving in my clamps so I had the use sash clamps to prevent movement and stop it moving off station  upon inserting the Kreg screws.

Beavering and screwing away I made all eight drawer carcasses and left them to dry overnight.
Financials:- I now find I have spent $200 on slides and MDF an expense I had not considered.
Oh and not forgetting a case of beer as I thought all was going well enough to celebrate, so  add another $50 !
I started thinking what I could do with the finished product as I certainly wasn't going to be putting it out on the footpath this time!

Regards Rob

Doing good Rob.

Main Street to the Mountains

lot of fricken pocket screws RC!!!! gonna piss off the duck.maybe me too !!!!!

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

 commented about 2 hours ago 
lot of fricken pocket screws RC!!!! gonna piss off the duck.maybe me too !!!!!

Pocket holes can be forgiven.. after all he's a Queenslander.

Pocket holes have their place... I hate Kreg... but that's the company and not the product. 

Sorry RC, but I pulled up short with those white runners and haven't even laid eyes on your
 " (just a bit of trivia and in case a eagle eye or Duck eye spots what looks to be incorrect setup of the Black microJig) "  
comment. I appreciate budgets and have little idea of the cost of the "blum" type of runners as I bought a swag many years ago.  If I built all my model toys I would need 5 cabinets, so I mass bought at bargain prices.
Personally, the only difference between those white runners and shit is that they are white and shit works better.  Sorry bud, but I'd rather use the traditional timber runners than those... in comparison... I love sideways pictures.
Bunnings/anyone should be banned from selling them.

Agree that MDF, and more specifically melamine, are dogs when it comes to pocket holes... you just need to brace with heavy clamps, double-sided tape, glue, bolt, nail and DOMINO them before pocket holing to stop slippage... actually Stanton has a few reasonable videos on pocket holing.

If you decide on those stainless runners, get a tradie mate to buy them from a builders supplier.  There are many less costly out there that wont cream the budget.

RC, I'll be parting with my Domino cheap, when Fe$tool release a cordless version. 

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Looked at doing ball bearing runners, and I managed to find 550mm at $8 per set from Trads Trading but travel time as about 2hrs so I didn't make the call to check stock, was looking at $8 a pair from them which I was impressed about.
Screwing info for those into it.
1. The faces frames 40x 32 mm
2. The sides 40 x 32 mm 
3. Conventional countersunk that hold the frame together:- 16 x 50 mm
4. Conventional countersunk that hold the slide mounts on 32 x 30 mm
5. Kreg SPS C for the drawer frame and bases 192 x 19 mm.
6. Frame rails little tiddlers qty 48 x 20 mm.
So I have blown close to another $50 bucks!
I did I get a palm blister and RSI from  it all?...yes I did but I am not showing you a picture.
Domino ...well keep me in mind (but don't let on to the F$ haters please, get enough nasty mail as it is)

Regards Rob

 commented 4 minutes ago 
I did I get a palm blister...

We all know you didn't get that from your sander!

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

 commented 4 minutes ago
.... (but don't let on to the F$ haters please, get enough nasty mail as it is)

If you look closely at workshops posted, most have a 'tainer somewhere in at least 1 picture... which they refuse to acknowledge.  Unless it's just empty, to pretend they are life's achievers.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Interesting that ply (or MDF) down there comes at 240X120, here in Spain it comes at 250X125.

I always get my primary source lumberyard to rough dimension big stuff; sometimes they charge me, sometimes not, depends.  I also work outside mostly, like we see you doing here.

No Bees. No Honey. Bees Lives Matter