Typical Stuff In The Shop #4: Glass Door Stops


This is part 4 in a 18 part series: Typical Stuff In The Shop

I think this is basic,  but will share for anyway.

I have 4 doors. With the length of my stock, I can get 1 long and 1 short out of each rip.
So I need 8 rips.
I always want to rout the edges while it's still attached to the stock. Here is what I do.

Start with some square stock,  make the center cuts on both sides,  so each piece will yield 4 strips.

Next I rout the 1/4 round profile on each edge and sand them while they're still attached to the stock.

Then back to the table saw to cut them off.

Just need to do a little detail sanding to break the edge a hair, and then cut them to fit the doors.

Figuring out how to do something you have never done is what makes a good challenge.

Good tip!

Aside from the cutoff piece warping, this is a great way to make profiles like that and a bit safer. It's also nice when you can just rip the part to size.

I have problems cutting the grooves first since inevitably my router bit bearing will drop into the grove if I can't use the fence (curves). Seems the bit I use will always have a bearing thinner than the kerf 8^P
I know what you mean.  My bearing is 3/16 and rode half in the kerf. I didn't do a full 1/4 round.
For these, I also could have cut the profile first,  but wanted more surface to ride on the table.
It was a consideration.

the cutoff piece warping
What you talkin about Willis  🤔

Figuring out how to do something you have never done is what makes a good challenge.

Great way to make your own moldings. Yes, using large stock for the safety.

Main Street to the Mountains

Hey, you scored with no warps!

But I have to give a snort and say "try that with some Hickory" 8^)
Yeah,  you never know. 

Actually I have them squeezed together and stuck down to double sided tape,  I mean this is the internet.   lol

Figuring out how to do something you have never done is what makes a good challenge.


Will need to buy some glass doors to test this out... maybe when I recover from the cost of all the Chrissy prezzies (for me).

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD