A collection of Clamps. #9: Fe$tool VAC-$Y$

Boys and Girls,

It'd be remiss of me not to mention my favoutite clamping system which is the Fe$tool VAC-SYS.

Unfortunately it is no longer being sold... not because it's crap, but purely because not too many people are spendthrifty enough to fork ou the shekelst for such an expensive system.
Nevertheless, you may be lucky and pick one up at a deceased estate as I doubt that any owner would be prepared to part with his/hers voluntarily.

Due to lack of availability, I won't occupy space to do a full writeup, however, if anyone may be interested, here is the review I did at LJ, back in 2021.  
I'm hoping the ban is a one way street.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD