Hidden wall pocket


Well i am at it again, i had an idea, its been done before, but not quite like this, plus a lot less expensive.

When ever i start i like to take a shot of the raw materials. Here it is on top of my work bench.

So i started by putting the brackets on the back side of my art work

Once that was done it gave me the inside dims for the “pocket” i designed all the metal brackets my self and had a metal shop make them for me out of 16ga steel.

Once the pocket was made, i attached the pocket to the art work.

I then clamped it to my table to test my hinge system.

Once i felt it was smooth i attached the back to close it off.

Once that was done i went and found the spot i wanted it. I then measured, cut, and slid in place. Fit nice and tight and no one is the wiser!

Testing video: http://youtu.be/43aT65aCEa8

My commercial: http://youtu.be/g0UZRVge3v8


Nice done. Great job with the photos, thanks for following along as it was built. Great work.

CHRIS, Charlottetown PEI Canada. Anytime you can repurpose, reuse, or recycle, everyone wins!

I love these hidden spaces. Nice work.

Losing fingers since 1969

Great idea and well done too.

Mike, an American living in Norway

Well done. I too like the extra pictures

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

great idea and well done


Nice work

Mike Kinnamon Music Central Management, LLC Music Row Office 118 16th South, Suite 4 - 316 Nashville, Tennessee 37203 Ofc: 615 719 7817 Email: mikekinnamon@aol.com

Wow very cool idea. Watched both your Youtube videos and liked the idea. Did you buy the hardware?

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"

I designed it my self, drew up plans, then found a metal fab shop near by to make the side plates for me.