The Shop


We bought this old office building a couple of years ago.
Set up my shop in part of it, started taking out walls first. Being a steel and concrete construction, lite concrete for the interior walls , a sawzall worked great.
This phase is AIR.

Installed the compressor on casters ( of course) so I could roll it out to work on it if needed. Installed
quick connect on the compressor & airline system to be able to roll out the compressor to work on it & hook up the portable.

Installed a 100’ reel hose by the door.

I used 1/2 " steel pipe & started each run next to the ceiling & sloped back to the compressor to allow the moisture to flow back to the separator.

Installed a drop at each work station & other areas of the shop.
Placed a tee & plug at the end of each run to be able to add on if needed.
More to come.

I’m moving everything that creates a spark or fire away from the woodworking area.
I created this welding station from this orange thing that I found, added a plate steel top & caster

Used some 1/2 plate for brackets to attach the shelves which were left over from the truck stop.
I mounted the small drill press, but I will remove it & build a mobile cart for it & the chop saw.
I don’t do that much metal work, mostly for repairing or building a bracket, tool, etc.
I still need to take out one more wall to make it all fit & make room for a vehicle when I install the overhead door, but that will be awhile.


I am drooling:)

You got a great setup.

I have been wanting a bigger compressor for a while now. Unfortunately I don’t have the space.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

nice set up . You may know this already but , I put a ball valve first in the air system . Then I split it into two lines , one with a regulator and one for full pressure . At night I shut of the ball valve and the power. The next day I don’t have to wait for it to build up pressure and the compressor doesn’t have go from 20 to 130 lbs every day.


Nice shop. I recently bought a reel for my tiny shop. It’s so convenient. I’m thinking about getting a pin nailer now.

Losing fingers since 1969

Ian, I probably wouldn’t have a big compressor, but I co-signed for a friend to put in a tire shop at the truck that we use to own, LOL.

I put it on casters the first time I that I had to moved it.

Wheaties, you are a smart man. I learned the hard way about the ball valve.

I was very careful with every joint, wire brushed, doped & tighten all the way. Ran a pressure test & it leaked off in less than 2 hours. I didn’t put unions anywhere, making it difficult to fix any joint.

I haven’t soap tested yet, hoping that it’s in one of the quick connect.
I dismantled the first part and put in a ball valve, and an extra connector at the compressor for full pressure.

Brian, I had that reel hose mounted on a trailer for many years, as you can see the orange hose is pink & white now LOL.
DeWalt had a special going a few years ago. I got the pin nailer free with the purchase of a compound miter saw. I have a finish nailer but that pin nailer is my favorite, it is lightweight,easy to load & most any 18 gauge pins fit.


Two for one. Can’t beat that. I’m looking at a couple of 23 gauge ones. Can’t decide whether to go cheap or get one with a few more bells and whistles.

Losing fingers since 1969

I’ll have to check into the 23 gauge, that would make the pin hole almost invisible.
This is a 16 gauge Paslode that I’ve had for many years, I only use it for exterior trim . The nails have a T head, if you turn the T with the grain the hole is not too bad. Either way is is not suitable for interior work.


Very nice shop. Im jealous on your space. But I think anyone of us that has a small space is jealous. Thanks for sharing.

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"