The joys of rust hunting #1: Its Spring. First 2014 Antique show


This is part 1 in a 2 part series: The joys of rust hunting

  1. Its Spring. First 2014 Antique show
  2. Show off your latest find(s)

finally proof that the long winter is over. Our first local flea market of 2014. Maybe not one of my best days, but definitely not my worst either. We had some fun, some sun, some rain, and just good old spring weather.

My first find is my favorite. As you may know, I’ve started a healthy admiration for Sargent bench planes. My goal was to obtain a #400 series in every size type 3 or older. This was the last one I needed to complete that set. A beautiful type 2 #424. All period correct as well, including the cutter.

next up is an item that has nothing to do with hand planes. A fully functional hand operated drill press. I’ve wanted one of these for a while, but they usually tote a price tag in the hundreds, so its never fit the bill. When the vendor said $50, I didn’t even dicker.

Finally a reasonably priced #203.

A Stanley type 3 #35. This has seen better days, and will never be a user again, but after showing the vendor the shortcomings of the old girl, we came to a reasonable offer.

And since I’ve completed the #400 bench plane series, and these were there, well priced and in decent shape, we might as well head down a new road with a new set of goals. How about all Sargent Transitionals. Also, twisted lat or older.

A few others, a couple nice user #4’s, a restorable Simmons, and an Eagle label Stanley level that I’m pretty sure is made from oak.

A good day to be a “collector, restorer, and a typical rust hunter.”

-- There is nothing like the sound of a well tuned hand plane. - and

You know Don, it is NOT too late to start going to the ASA meetings and to at least attempt their 12-step plan to alleviate your addiction.

HorizontalMike, Past President (now retiring since Don has vaulted off the cliff)
Association of Sargent Addicts


impressive finds!

And how do you “de-rust”?

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit

where do I sign up?

-- There is nothing like the sound of a well tuned hand plane. - and

MsDebbie, most of my de-rusting is with citric acid.

-- There is nothing like the sound of a well tuned hand plane. - and

I love those manual drill presses (the planes are great, too)and I’ve seen a fair few of them as they are in high demand in Africa. They are always in nearly dead condition when we get them in our shop and take several hours to make workable. They look great once derusted, oiled and buffed up. I’d love one in my shop.

-- Alec (Friends call me Wolf, no idea why)

Unlike Don, I use electrolysis (Washing Soda, H2O, and a battery charger).

MsDebbie, didn’t you, quite a while back on another site, post something with regards to using Molasses or some such for de-rusting steel/iron?


I remember that. Wasn’t it a black iron pot?

I’ve used electrolysis. It also works well.

-- There is nothing like the sound of a well tuned hand plane. - and

yes I did… gentle and effective. (I’m surprised that you remembered .. I had forgotten about my blog)

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit

Nice haul Don, I like the transitional’s too. Hope to see some restored pics soon.