Craftisian Blogs

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Pictures below are from the fueltank of the Fordson Dexta. * Thanks for watching*
Pictures below are from the merging of some parts of the Fordson Dexta. Thanks for watching.
Pictures below are from the making process of the manifold of the Fordson Dexta. Thanks for watching
Pictures below are from the making process of the transmission of the Fordson Dexta. Thanks for watching
Pictures below are from the making process of the manifold of the Fordson Dexta. Thanks for watching
Pictures below are from the making process of the time gear, fan and axle mount of the Fordson Dexta. Thanks for watching
Pictures below are from the making process of the Fuelpump of the Fordson Dexta. Thanks for watching
Pictures below are from the making process of the Hydraulic and spider gear of the Fordson Dexta. Thanks for watching.
Here another blog about the Fordson Super Dexta building process. Below you can see a lot of pictures made from the building process of the engine.
Oh my word! Sometimes I wish I didn’t tell people what I do for a living! I recently joined a young farmers group and told them all about the woodw...
They are simple basic medium sized chairs for “Bigger Kids” no additional parts involved , apart from a back rest of course.