Craftisian Blogs

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I have been wanting to make myself a plane for the longest time. Finally I got some plane blades from a picker friend of mine. This is the blade an...
Hi wwwfriends, I had the luck to win the Hand Tools Collection competition. This is what was I bought me for the 100 USD prize; the Veritas small s...
It would be difficult to choose a favorite tool. Although these days if you ask my wife she would say I am obsessed with lathes. Of course it is al...
Thank you to everyone who participated in our Hand Tools Collection Challenge. You can see the entries here. And the winner of the random draw is: ...
I got this idea from a Woodsmith magazine article on shop organization a while back. It’s simply a closet organization system minus the shelves. Th...
This one looked a a little worse than it than it really was, turns out it was a diamond in the rough. The iron and chip breaker still like new, the...
As received After taking it apart I realized this is another barely used tool. Although the iron had a couple chips in its edge, it was the origina...
Laying the Shingles Just a short update. I got the asphalt shingles for the roof. The shingle substrate is 3/4” tongue and groove panel boards on t...
In the shop Today I first nailed woodstrips from the top to bottom on the front and back legs. These are thin strips used to cover the cut ends of ...
Every woodworker needs a serious clamp storage. Why not design it yourself? We’ve partnered with 360 WoodWorking to challenge you to design and dra...
My Favorite Tools Opinel knives. I first saw these folding knives on a French sailing boat in the Canary Islands. On board the vessel (homemade fro...